Dienstag, 25. März 2014

Clanvideo for RSI - to late for the competition

I made a short movie to present our clan.
My first work with premiere, cinema4d, photoshop and aftereffects.

I just make that for myself and never get pro online, because that's to expensive for homemade music.
Maybe you like it and leave a comment. Thx.

Star Wars Tie Squadron

A small renderwork with cinema4D.

Tie Fighter squadron on their way to deathstar and nebulon-b frigate - here is the link to the short movie

Donnerstag, 13. März 2014

Leveldesign Game:Left 4 Dead 2 with Valve Hammer Editor

I also work on a new map for the Left 4 Dead 2 game.
You can download the map from steam if you like. And please leave a comment.
The original is a castle in scottland named Eileen Dunan. You also can see it in the first film Highlander with Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery. I searched for some picture on google, because I never spent time at the castle.
It is a little dark and misty, but that's a good atmosphere for a Zombie Survival Game, isn't it?

Created with Photoshop
 The following pictures were made with the editor programm. It is not the graphic you see in the game - thats more dark and misty.
Down by the sea

Were is the army?

A light far away.

We have to get on the rooftop.

The whole castle form above.

Another Look from above.
In the following pictures I would show some pictures to compare between the original and the screenshot - 3D-view fromt he editor

  Pictures of the stairs to train station in Marl(Westf.) to compare.

Picture of the house I lived in to compare.

At alst some pictures of the area around the station.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also on the Map I created is an mall in the middle of the city Marl (Westf.). In the following are the pictures to compare.

Car Park


Inside the Mall

 The little cafe

At last I want to show you some pictures from the game Left 4 Dead 2. It is another Map, a construction under a big bridge - this is what the player see

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014

Star Wars Universe

Here are some renderings from the animation movies I still made till now.
Lambda-Ferry of the Imperator leaving the hangar.
A watch on the Republic senat on coruscant

2 Nebulon-B figate and a corillian corvette - to much sunlight I think

Jedi Tempel

I am still working on my Star Wars Project.
For the Planet Couruscant I am creating the Jedi Temple.

Es gibt aber keinen. Also selber bauen.
This is my rendering from yesterday 02-17-2014.
May the force be with you.

Today I made some materials and seached my textures for the right materials.

I noticed that the maintower isn't right modelled like it si in the movies, so I created a new one.
Now it is original.

Imperialer Sternenzerstörer Executor-Class

My latest project is also an old dream of mine.
In 1977 a young American movie director set limits to science fiction and animation movies.
George Luces inspired me with his first film, "New Hope" and left me with my mouth wide open in cinema while I watched "The Empire Strikes Back".
At that time without computers he superposed up to 38 movies to present the complicated battles in space and the astroid fields.

I am still a great fan of the movies.
My favorite ship is the 17 Km long Star Destroyer Executor, Darth Vader's flagship.
It took more then 12 hours to create.
It was really hard to build a spaceship with a town like manahattan. I think I will upload it to the TF3DM.com for download.
Dr.Copy & Mr.Paste

The Planet needs more work I know. Iwill look forit by time -btw it is Couruscant.

Montag, 3. Februar 2014

First semi-pro rendering

Fronkreisch 1987 - Rendering Januar2014
This is my first semi-professional work with Cinema 4D. The background is just a photo on a wall. The bottles were modelled by someone else.
My focus was the sunlight and the misty atmosphere and keep it after rendering with Cinema 4D Renderprogramm. The bottles also should be focused. The left one is a transparent bottle with whiskey inside - I don't know if you really see it?

Starship COMET from the animation series Captain Future

Comet im Anflug auf die Basis in New York - Rendering September2013
Just a little picture after rendering. Made an animation movie with tha COMET while landing, but I can't upload it here. So I'll give you just a little picture. Hope you enjoy.